Overdose deaths have nearly doubled in Palm Beach County compared to last year, and addiction specialists are warning that COVID-19 in the cause.
"As somebody that’s struggled with addiction for years, you may not intentionally doing it, but it’s a way to kind of escape," Williams said.
"That kind of made it challenging when they shut down some of the fellowship halls and some the things people could do to congregate," Williams said.
"You know the opposite of addiction and certainly mental health disorders is connection," said David Levin, the chief clinical officer at Legacy Healing Center
"I can’t give you magic pill and wave a wand and you’re going to be cured. It’s a combination of the three, the medication, the therapy and the self-help, support groups." Levin said.
"We have to shed light on what’s going on and the connection between COVID-19, mental illness and substance abuse disorders," Levin said.